Good Lord..this pisses me off.
Yet another case of a corporation barging into the private lives of its employees. Which is why we need unions now more than ever. This from a company that manufactures enough pesticides and chemical fertilisers to kill several thousand elephants a year.
It's been my personal observation that the non-smokers at work get sick more than I do. One of the hooved ones at work is a total organic, wholistic, don't see the doctor, don't smoke nutball quasi buddhist bitch....and she's sick all the time. Right before I left for Florida, she was clip-clopping around the office hacking up a lung or two. She managed to infect the whole office.
The children of employees cause lots of doctor's bills to happen. Should we prohibit the hire of employees who have children? Deny their parents family medical benefits, perhaps? This is not to mention that the parents of children bring all their children's diseases to work, and infect their co-workers.
While I'm not even going to suggest that smoking is healthy...I think that my employer has no business sticking its nose into my off-hours behaviour. The reason health care is so expensive in this country is NOT because of unhealthy behaviour by's because of sheer, unadulterated greed by insurance and drug companies. It's time for single payer, folks. The rest of the industrialised world does it....I have friends in Canada who speak quite highly of their national health care system.
Chicago enacted a dumb-ass smoking ban. one forces workers to work in restaurants or bars where smoking is permitted. Smoking banned in my very beloved Gold Star? Heaven forfend! I love the Gold's on Division, 2 doors east of Wood, on the south side of Division. They don't take credit cards, which will either be their salvation or their downfall. Kinda keeps the yuppies out. Which I don't mind.
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