Saturday, December 17, 2005

Santa gives whole neighborhood a big bummer.

Swingin' Santa. Scaring the kids, outraging the adults, and just generally putting a twist in everybody's knickers.

It's obviously another shot across the bow in the "War On Christmas", which is something that Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity of Fox News made up a couple of years ago. It's also the subject of a book by John Gibson.

Intellectual giant Michelle Malkin also believes in the vast conspiracy to silence Santa.

Gosh, us liberals have a fearsome cadre of jihadis lined up against us...a bunch of people who never let facts get in the way of their perceived persecution. Never mind that Christ, if he existed, was actually born in June or July, never mind that the Puritans didn't celebrate Christmas, as they thought it unseemly, never mind that Christmas is now all about cash slinging. And that the symbols most people associate with Christmas are pagan ones, in fact, the whole idea of Christmas is a pagan idea.

I guess the problem is that some stores are printing "happy holidays" in their ads and saying "happy holidays" to their customers, instead of Merry Christmas. Hmmm..let's have a look at the word "holiday" Holiday is a contraction of the words "holy day." I guess Happy Holy Days just doesn't cut it with the Fox News crowd.


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