Saturday, November 18, 2006

Gosh...such great photograpy...and a document of a life gone downhill w/o any brakes. This poor man. I know it's all about him..., and his bad choices, but at some point...the drug becomes you. Then you have a hell of a monster to contend with, and it is almost entirely out of your hands. You have been reduced to a robot in search of your fix. Your human soul is still in there, somewhere...but it has been stuffed down to the tiniest little essence, maybe to less than half or a quarter the size of your pinky nail. I feel it in my bones.

All I have to say about my above condition is OW. I wish I could say "but you shoulda seen the other guy", but I can't. I have never had a shiner before, ever. I fell off my chair, and into my 1920's era smoking station, which is right next to my 'puter. Smoking kills. Or at least bruises. I don't know if I fell asleep at my computer, or fainted. All I know is that my temple area hurts and I've got this HUmongus shiner. As of's starting to get beyond the fabulous purple/red/blue stage and is now timorously edging into the yellow/green/brown stage. I'll be lookin' 1970's for the next few weeks, I think. Love that sub-q hematoma!

Tennessee somehow caught a cold(he's an indoor only cat, like all of my cats), which required veterinary treatment. The poor dear had a 104 degree temp(101 is normal for cats)...and he very considerately passed it on to three(and counting) other cats. None of whom appreciate being given pills of any sort, or even being held against their will. They're petting cats...not holding cats! Bless that Tennis! He's feeling better, though.

Wanna have a good cry? This is guile-less and sincere and not glurge-y, and done by ordinary people without an axe to grind...but who want us to learn from their loss in the true spirit of helping. I don't find it sappy, personally. Which is why I find it so heartbreaking.