Friday, February 22, 2008

Tammy Lynn Michaels

I gotta say her last post really pissed me off, besides her usual twee "pregnancy and milk glutted breasts are beautiful" crap. Her views on raising children. Snore. She and Melly have assistants, nannies and plenty of $$$$$. What if Mel's musical career hadn't gone anywhere? Would Tammy be so glib? Some of what she posts is good, common sense child rearing. Some of it is just pure, un-adulterated shite. What really rose my hackles was this, and it's in context and exactly as written, BTW:

i think it would do a world of good to famous-people-kids if they were exposed to people that do hear the word "NO" each day; and if they can witness choices and the affect of them (you don't get homeless from working hard, and being healthy, and living an honest life, just my opinion and experience-- considering i was homeless once as a kid, i figure i have a little insight on that situation). i just want the kids to know what hard work is, what it can bring, and what laziness will bring upon them. we are just starting to let go of the remainder of people that live off of us. we pay their rent, food, bills, etc. just cuz they don't feel like getting a job. (i wish i had thought of that as a career: mooching.) i don't want to raise children to behave as if they need the the financial assistance of others to make a life for themselves. if my kids want to flip burgers, i don't care. they just better have integrity and pride when it comes to their burgers. and pay their bills themselves for f*ck's sake.

Yes, can get homeless even though "you work hard and are healthy and honest." Look at the women who are in shelters escaping abusive spouses, you ignoramous. What planet are you from? You go right ahead and say that crap to a homeless veteran, an abused spouse. Or to me. To my face. You were homeless as a kid? You must not have worked hard enough or been healthy or honest enough, then. Please.

Your children will never know a hard day of work in their lives(what are you gonna do, send them to a coal mine?), and that's great for them. They won the lottery. That doesn't mean they can't be people with deep integrity and empathy, in spite of being raised by a clue-less individual such as yourself.

I also come from an abusive family background, I just didn't have the good fortune or looks to be an actress or hook up with someone rich and famous...while I was never officially homeless(because, in the early 70's to mid 80's...children weren't homeless!!!), let me put it this way....I had to stay away from my house sometimes, from the time I was 12 on and off until I left home for good at 17. I had a job from the time I was 10(paper routes, mowing lawns, kid stuff) until I I was old enough to get "real" jobs, up until Iwas 45, and FUCK YOU TAMMY LYNN MICHAELS. I wouldn't take a sugar-cube from your nanny-encrusted palace unless I asked first. I am an honest person. I am currently working on being a vegetarian. I've lost 50 lbs. in the past year. FUCK YOU.

Right now, I'm going to school. I'm not "working." But I DO WORK. I do homework, and manage my household(which is difficult when you live with someone who's not so neat, plus a few critters, and tons of homework), and turn over every receipt to the guy I love and live with. He's okay with what I do. If he wasn't....I'd be homeless, and I NEVER forget it for one minute.

I don't have "assistants." Nobody does my shopping for me. And at least I allow comments on my blog, unlike YOU, chicken-shit.


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