Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

Well, today was Memorial Day and my little town had it's Memorial Day parade which I did not attend. There was a fly-over a few times by some WW2 military aircraft(which I love, I find them aesthetically pleasing) and they flew over my house low and slow a few times. A Beechcraft "Bamboo Bomber" AT-11 or something like that. Some Texans. Cool planes. A couple of years ago, they had a B-25 fly over...the kind of plane my dad flew in in WW2.

I went to a barbecue at my friend Laura's house. Her Uncle John was there. He's a RABID right winger. I don't discuss politics around him, because he's quite nasty about it, or so I've heard. Very nice on the surface level pleasantries, though. An amusing man. VietNam Vet.

I called my dad today and wished him happy memorial day. He was like...Ehhhhh. He has the best war stories in the world, though. I talked to mom about her failing eyesight and her continuing to drive. She swore up and down she wouldn't put hers or any other's lives in danger. Dad always writes these e-mails to me and Karla that begin..."now don't tell your mother I talked to you, but...

I planted and transplanted a whole bunch of plants this weekend. Including the CP's that needed to be planted and transplanted. Damn, they're fussy. The early plants in the front yard are blooming up a storm. Mostly Irises. Everything else is still on it's upward arc towards early summer/late summer/autumn other than the irises, the garden is kind of quiet right now. The calm before the storm. The Baptisia Australis is beautiful. Native and it blows away every thing else in the garden at this time. It blows away all the Irises almost. It does not blow away the Iris called "Before the storm" Which is black.

the prairie, however, is ablaze in Dame's Rocket and Ox-eye Daisies. FUCK! It's so pretty! Now I have to wade into the weeds, step on new little prairie plants, and get them the hell out of there! That's the garden chore for this week..kill them before they go to seed. It's really a jarring conflict between what's pretty and what's proper. What's proper is will look pretty soon enough.

The woodland garden I am finding needs to be culled of some of it's Soloman's seal and Virginia Waterleaf. And the elm-leafed goldenrod. Goodnes...they sure are happy here. I will cut off the blossoms of the waterleaf so it can't go to seeds around like crazy. The soloman's seal I will have to dig up and move, along with some bloodroot. And there is still so much weeding to do in the woodland garden.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The weekend, et al

The weather was nice until about 3 PM on Saturday, then the wind picked up and it got chilly. I'm so tired of the weather sometimes. Put a bunch of plants in the ground. Went out and bought a stove. It arrived broken, of course. So now, we gotta call Maytag. It's a cool stove. Black. So that means when the fridge goes out...we have to buy a black one. Ha!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Took another day off from work....

Sean was back in town last night and we did our acoustic thing at the Beat Kitchen. Gosh, it's so fun playing with those guys..and it was so good to see Sean and Myron again. I stayed in the city last night, at Myron's house. After the gig Sean and I drove around for quite a while looking for a hot dog place to eat...we ended up at this awesome 24 hour Korean place and did the full on Bimmi Bop(?) thing with Bulgogi beef. The kimchee was out of this world. it was $20 for a huge amount of food which we finished up. We even had to order more kimchee. I think the waitress was impressed with our ability to finish it all and ask for more.

We had a truly awesome thunderstorm this morning...I kinda wish I had been home to enjoy it better.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Gorgeous Day

I woke up this morning, got up and drove the 40 miles to work..through hill and dale as they say. I almost turned around so many times and just came home. It is really, really nice today, it would be a perfect day to garden.

I'm going to the city after work to meet up with Sean and Myron. Sean appeared on Myron's door step yesterday, un-announced. Sean is a doof. Loveable. Sean has a gig at beat kitchen would have been nice to have played, too, but since Sean is a doof...that won't happen. It will be fun to see the boys, anyway.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Another Fun Monday

Called the twatty doctor and made it abundantly clear to his receptionist that he MUST call me back today. We'll see what happens. It's real hard to get any privacy in this office.

I am so depressed I cannot stand it.

Melissa wants a meeting with Trink and I at 2PM today. Why? What does it matter? They want me out of here, MLW has humiliated me in front of most of the office, the well has been poisoned, so yeah..I want out of here, too.

What I really want to do is semi-retire. Get a dumb part-time job at Jewel stocking shelves or something. Something that will pay benefits for part time work and not be a 4 hour commute every day. I want a lot.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

The guy 2 doors down

Yells obscenities at his kids. They are collectively around 8 to 10-ish. Yesterday's exchange:

Dad: "I told you to watch that fucking dog, moron! Now he's run away. You fucking idiot! What an asshole!"

Kid: 'whimper'

Can this idiot be reported for child abuse? Does verbal abuse even count? I would be willing to bet they get smacked around a bit, too. His wife died or ran off a few years ago..but that's no excuse. They appear to be nice little kids. I'd love to get all up in his grill. Ask him what in the fuck he thinks he's doing. Maybe I will call DCFS. In honor of mother's day. They will get all up in his grill, believe me!~

I did nothing but run yesterday from 7:30 am til about 6:30 PM. Plant sale, eye tests, plant swap in Chicago...I'm still wiped out. Planted a bunch of plants today, and still have household chores to do. They're probably not going to get done today. I'd rather garden than work in the damn house, that's for sure.

My stupid doctor still hasn't called me back about the paperwork I need to file for an accomdation at work. Twat.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Well here I am at work....

And I'd really rather be at home. The weather is warming up, finally. Finally. Wish I had some astute observations to make about some minutia I have noticed, but that's too much like work.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Day 1

I stayed home from work today. The work I do is very bosses are vampires. So, whilst I was home, I decided to find out pour quois my front tires have slow leaks. Turns out..the front struts are DONE, and causing the body of the car to rub on the tires. The tires are bald on the sides towards the struts.

$600+ for front struts and new tires. FUCK.

My neighbors are putting up a new stockade type fence along 2 sides of their property, I guess we must pass muster, because they're not putting up a new fence along our shared lot line. We have to have our side of the fence open so I can give their dog, Shelby, her daily "cookies." Shelby is a wonderful dog, and I count her among my friends.

I planted some plants today, all natives. June Grass, Pussy-Toes and Blue-eyed grass, the white flowering form. I still have about 12 plants to plant. And now I'm drinking wine, as per usual. And up at 5 am so I can go back to the hell-mouth tomorrow. I so want to not ever work again.