Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Day 1

I stayed home from work today. The work I do is very cool...my bosses are vampires. So, whilst I was home, I decided to find out pour quois my front tires have slow leaks. Turns out..the front struts are DONE, and causing the body of the car to rub on the tires. The tires are bald on the sides towards the struts.

$600+ for front struts and new tires. FUCK.

My neighbors are putting up a new stockade type fence along 2 sides of their property, I guess we must pass muster, because they're not putting up a new fence along our shared lot line. We have to have our side of the fence open so I can give their dog, Shelby, her daily "cookies." Shelby is a wonderful dog, and I count her among my friends.

I planted some plants today, all natives. June Grass, Pussy-Toes and Blue-eyed grass, the white flowering form. I still have about 12 plants to plant. And now I'm drinking wine, as per usual. And up at 5 am so I can go back to the hell-mouth tomorrow. I so want to not ever work again.


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