Sunday, May 08, 2005

The guy 2 doors down

Yells obscenities at his kids. They are collectively around 8 to 10-ish. Yesterday's exchange:

Dad: "I told you to watch that fucking dog, moron! Now he's run away. You fucking idiot! What an asshole!"

Kid: 'whimper'

Can this idiot be reported for child abuse? Does verbal abuse even count? I would be willing to bet they get smacked around a bit, too. His wife died or ran off a few years ago..but that's no excuse. They appear to be nice little kids. I'd love to get all up in his grill. Ask him what in the fuck he thinks he's doing. Maybe I will call DCFS. In honor of mother's day. They will get all up in his grill, believe me!~

I did nothing but run yesterday from 7:30 am til about 6:30 PM. Plant sale, eye tests, plant swap in Chicago...I'm still wiped out. Planted a bunch of plants today, and still have household chores to do. They're probably not going to get done today. I'd rather garden than work in the damn house, that's for sure.

My stupid doctor still hasn't called me back about the paperwork I need to file for an accomdation at work. Twat.


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