Saturday, April 07, 2007

Uncle Shrapnel

I had a dream. And a spam. I had a dream about my late, favourite cousin who was a VietNam vet, with all it's attendant drama, PTSD and throat cancer from the herbicides used on the jungle...and I got a spam where the subject line was Uncle Shrapnel. They kind of fit together. There's some writing in there, somewhere.
Down 25 lbs, 1 or 2 pants sizes and a shirt size. Yay. Daddy sent me his platinum MC and I bought 2 new pairs of jeans. Then I sent it back, LOL! I am a clotheshorse who can't shop for herself.
I did 40 minutes of Pilates and Yoga yesterday...and boy I am sore today.
The pictures above are of my cat, Tennessee, after and before his shearing.