Saturday, January 07, 2006

The DNA of Kitties...explained!

Interesting article about the DNA and migration patterns of the early cats, and how they came to be what they are today.

Kittenwar..a site worth visiting!

I have a few cats, which I can honestly say I love as much as you love your children. Dan would like to get a dog, and while I'm not against it....I don't know a damn thing about them, except that you have to dominate them, kinda like you have to do with horses. And I'd rather have a horse, actually. And I'm not really comfortable dominating anything or anyone.

Right now, I'm focusing on getting Dan to agree to digital cable or the Dish or something. I need to see some good TV, though our bottom of the line cable package does include Comedy Central, thank jah.

The thing is...we can go away for a long weekend and leave the cats to their own can't do that with. As with any pet, there are pros and cons. Dan's always wanted a house rabbit, I like the bunnies, too. I think if we had a bigger house...we'd have lots more critters. For right now...I'm maxed out on pets. Only because I have a hard time having the time to take care of them.

A friend of mine came over today. She has been stuck in her house for the last 3 weeks due to pneumonia, so she was itching to get out of the house, and into some plant nurseries to buy some plants. So, we went out. My friend is quite well off, me...not so much. So I bought a Bird's nest fern, and a small bale of compressed spaghnum moss(both on sale) to put on the tops of my carnivorous plants when they come out of dormancy. My friend bought this large orchid plant, in bloom, that smells just heavenly. And a ZZ (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) plant. and a few small table ferns, Pteris ferns.

I bought a Pteris fern in Florida last month, brought it home on the plane, etc. It survived quite nicely until Mr. Boo got ahold of it. He ate one of my Pinguiculas, too. Bastard. The ping will recover...I'm not so sure about the fern from Florida. Pings are cool plants...they have sticky leaves that bugs stick to. They are insectivorious plants. They also bloom like crazy..the blooms look like violets. I may have to take the Pteris and the Bird's Nest fern to the Hell Mouth until Spring.


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