Thursday, July 21, 2005

Rain again, Finally

Had an awesome storm today, too bad I had to be at work and miss it. I mean, the storm came to Evanston, too...but I couldn't really watch it like I wanted to because I had to wuuuuurrrrk. Here are some storm pictures I took a couple of years ago in my back yard. We get some good storms out here, but I'm much less cavalier about severe thunderstorms than I was when I lived in Chicago..Chicago seems to be immune to tornadoes, and now I live in tornado-land. But I still get this weird thrill out of thunderstorms.

We surely needed the rain, and I'm glad to not be dragging 120 feet of hose around to try to water everything thoroughly in the 2 hours I am alloted to do so. It takes an hour to put down an inch of water with a normal type sprinkler. You shouldn't water your grass less than an inch of water a week...if you do, the roots will come towards the surface, thereby making them more easily dried out. Thereby making it even more prone to going dormant in a drought. Which is NOT to say I'm watering the grass. Fuck grass, I hate it. I water my gardens. My lawn looks like Arizona. So I'm always amused when I see my neighbor out trying to resuscitate his putting green lawn by watering it with the hose for 15 minutes. I've told him a million times he's just making things worse.


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