Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Garden and Grover's story

It's hot, so I'm stuck in the house. And dragging the hoses around trying to keep things alive. Fuckity. We are having a barbecue next weekend, it should be lots of fun but it will be lots of work, too. And of course, it's supposed to be hot. Don't know how I'm going to pull this off...but we will.

I am going to make home-made ice cream, which is a trip because there is nowhere around here to get crushed ice, so that means I have to crush it with my car.

The temp receptionist got a job in a dept. at the university. Friday was John's last day. He's a nice guy, very smart and funny, and I will miss him. Easy on the eyes, too. He's also a talented writer...check out his blog here: Hear a Bitch Sing! Severe Blog envy!

Also, please check out another friend's blog...she is an excellent writer. Witty and insightful. Her blog is more about the news of the day than mine is: Senseofsoot. I am, again, in severe blog envy!

When I was living in Chicago at Division and Cleaver, I found a puppy, stuck in a fence. I freed the puppy, found some rope, fashioned a collar and leash, and took him home. Ran to the store, bought a can of dog food and gave him some water. After this feast, he took a big whiz and dump on the floor. Oh no. The vision I had immediately formed in my head of seamlessly incorporating this creature into my 3 cat household wilted and died a quick death. I should have realised it was useless by the way Spot, Jackson and Ruby puffed up to 3 times their normal size the minute they set eyes on the puppy, who by this time I had named Turd Ferguson. I called Henway Twingo and cried what the hell do I do with this thing. She and her husband came right over. And took him. And, after some misgivings...kept him. I will never forget their act of kindness to Turd, and especially to me. I needed another pet like I needed a hole in the head, and Henway realised this. I had just gone through a patch where I lost 2 of my cats in a 9 month period. Henway is rational and common-sense. I am not, in things like animals. The first is a picture of Turd, who was given a more respectable name, Grover. Grover is an NYC dog now, but he realises that nothing rocks like Chicago.

Stuff is blooming like nuts. It does look really nice, thanks to supplemental watering at the officially sanctioned times. Heh. My little prairie is kinda starting to look like a prairie. The seeded half looks a lot different than the plug half, though. There is tons of Daisy Fleabane on the seeded half. I am told not to worry about it. Here is a picture of how the driveway native plant garden looked 2 weeks ago. It's 2nd picture, in case you're mental.


Blogger Rusty Hinge said...

I love the blog and your flowers look gorgeous. What a sweet entry about the Tropicana Grovelicious one. John and I both laughed having forgotten he was Turd Ferguson, his forever undercover nom-de-pup.

Blogger April said...

Yeah, that's one name that should be forever undercover.

After I got to know Grover better, I realised that Turd Ferguson was not a good name for him, it's more of a cat name.

Thank god you re-named him!


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