Friday, July 01, 2005

Peculiar Shelf Butts.

The weather has "broken" for a couple days...i.e., it has cooled off some. I'm glad to get outside for a bit, I was getting quite mean and stir-crazy. I can't go out when it's hot. Garden is going gang-busters. I fear it may be all bloomed out way too soon. Here is a pic of some of what I'm growing. This a a native carnivorous plant, a pitcher plant. It's native to bogs in SE Georgia. It's a Sarracenia Oreophila. It is very rare, and very endangered in it's native habitat. It's a CITES Schedule I, appendix A plant, meaning it's illegal to buy, sell, or trade. It is, however, legal to give it away, and this is how I got it. I joined a carnivorous plant group. I guess their mission is to make these plants so easily obtained and cheap(or free) that there is no longer any need to poach them from the wild. It's a good idear in theory, but every week I hear about Venus Fly Traps being poached from their native habitat, which is a 100 mile radius of Wilmington, North Carolina. And this is the only place on earth these plants are native to. You can buy VFT's for $3.00 at Walgreens...I guess they're not cheap enough yet, because the people who are doing the poaching are getting all of 15 cents apiece. These plants are fussy..and test my gardening abilities. They must have rain water or distilled tap water. Tap water will kill these plants. So, I either have to buy a reverse-osmosis water filtering system to put on my water lines, OR collect rain-water, OR buy distilled water from the store. I hasn't rained here in eons, I don't have a reverse osmosis system yet, so guess what? I'm buying water for the bastards.

Now, the shelf butt stuff~

Now see, here...I do have BIG Butt, but it's fairly normal looking by big butt standards. It's just overly large. But here at the Wauconda Jewel/Osco...I'be been seeing some fairly strange butts on women. Not that I really look, but these butts are so oddly shaped that they just kind of assail your eyes. The owners of these butts don't properly camouflage them OR hide them. Maybe they just are comfortable with their strange looking behinds. If that's the case, they're better women than I am and I say let the freak flag fly, sister/brother!

Comfort with how one looks is a concept comepletely alien to me...I'm always amazed when I see over-weight women or men wearing really tight clothing. I always think... don't you have mirrors in your house? Can you NOT see that you look like a walking package of hot dogs?

There's this one professor at work who is just hideous...he has a belly that's kind of melty, and flaps over his genital area..and he tucks his shirt in and wears a belt. His shirt conforms to the flappy belly. YUK~

I'm talking butts that jut out abruptly from the back. REALLY abruptly. Extreme Shelf Butt. On white women! You could put a doily and a vase on them, or a few books, and a pair of nice bookends. Or a bust of Socrates. I find myself wondering "now what could cause such a thing" In my large assed case, it's too much food, not enough excercise. In their case, it's the same, BUT....I don't have Shelf Butt.

It's the abrupt out-cropping of the gluteus that I don't quite understand. Hopefully, the NIH starts funding grants that will find the cause of this ummmm, syndrome? It's got to be a renegade Shelf Butt gene in the mitochondrial DNA that pairs up with the "I don't give a flyin rat's ass how I look, and what...wash my hair more than once a month?" gene that is expressed in pairs, and goes mostly to women. Do the men get the shelf butt?


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