Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Yep, I'm in a hateful mood today. Here's a partial list of the things I despise, in no particular order except for the first 4:

George W. Bush and his Cabinet
Evangelical Christians
Most Republicans
Most Conservatives
Most Libertarians
Iraq War
People who drive slowly
Traffic Jams
Lack of Money
T. Shannon
Global Warming Deniers
Creation Theory Believers
Intelligent Design Believers
Book Banners
Anti-Choice People
Anti-Environment People
Reality TV Shows
The People Who Watch Them
Fox News
The People Who Watch It
Bill O'Reilly
Anyone Who Believes a Word He Says

That's all I can think of for now. I hate them all. Whew....I feel cleansed and refreshed.

Time to go sit out on the bench for a while, and imbibe my sleep aid. A nice french Merlot. I buy only french wine now, as France had the balls to stand up to the King of America. It has been a nice, cloudy day here..much cooler. No rain though. Maybe someday.

I was gonna get all topical, about how the Downing Street Memo puts the Chimp squarely into the "should be impeached" camp...but there are so many others out here who do it so much better than me. If you voted for W, you're a complete doofus, and you have blood on your hands. How does it taste? Your boy has the lowest approval rating of any president in the last century or two. HA HA HA!

Mom's in the hospital...she was at the computer and pushed back in the chair and it tipped over backwards. She has a moderate concussion, a badly torn up(tendon-wise)left leg, and possibly a broken tailbone or hip. The results of the MRI she had yesterday are supposed to be in today, I am going to go call her now. She's 85 years old. Poor old gal!


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