Monday, July 04, 2005

Rain, Finally

We had a nice thunderstorm today, with lots of rain. Finally.'s been so dry here, a farmer's nightmare. The corn was drying up in the fields..when corn gets dry the leaves roll and point almost straight up.

It's my favorite thing this weekend because I hate dragging the hose and sprinkler around watering things. On the assigned days at the assigned times. And god forbid you don't do it on the assigned day at the assigned time, or "officer friendly" (A Wauconda cop who's a real dick and looks like a baby)will come by and give you a ticket. Fortunately, my livelihood doesn't depend on the corn. I just want to make my flowers look nice. It's a sad thing when the prairie plants start drooping from lack of water...their roots go down 20 feet or more.

My evangelical christian neighbor keeps sending me really offensive and nasty stuff, such as an uber patriotic e-mail, with pictures, of how General Patton would be handling the war in Iraq now, or at least, those of us who are against it. Never mind that General Patton would be about 140 years old now.

About how Islam is an evil, murderous religion. And how Muslims (and ME) are going to go to hell if we don't pledge our troth immediately to Jesu. I want to go to hell when I die, I guess, so I can be with my non-christian friends.

Conveniently ignoring the fact that, during the Crusades, the bible commanded the crusaders to go into arab villages and kill everything that moved, and also proscribed that the heads of everything that moved should be stacked in piles at the city gates. Men, women, children and animals. EVERYTHING.

Jesus was a Stone-Cold, sabbath observing Jew. Christians still can't get over this fact. They've been trying for eons! Jesus was a jew who was killed by ROMANS, not his fellow jews, and they still can't get over this fact.

The gist of the e-mail was...our war in Iraq isn't an atrocity. 9/11 was an atrocity(yes it was!), though both W and Rumsfeld both said Hussein had nothing to do with 9/11. The torture of inmates at Guantanamo and Abu Ghariab is just like fraternity hazing! all the kids go through the exact same thing during pledge week!

If you belive that...I surely hope your son or daughter is chained to the floor, subjected to high/low temps and attack dogs, and has to shit or piss themselves. Or is compelled to form a naked pyramid with other pledges. Or is beaten and subjected to 24-7 high volume music(sleep deprivation). Or is subjected to religiously objectionable stuff...flushing the stupid
"Holy Bible" down the toilet, or having someone stomp on it. I wish all this and more for your children, you fucking stupid sheep. Keep watching Fox News...they'll tell you the truth. How about the rape videos from Abu Gharaib...wherein our finest rape young Iraqui children? Oh, the screaming. Seymour Hirsch saw the videos...when are they going to be released in america?

The other purpose of this stupid Jingoistic e-mail was to show me pictures of the be-headings. Hello, you stupid twats...IF WE WEREN'T IN IRAQ...NONE OF THESE BEHEADINGS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED~! Fucking DUH!~


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