Big Fowl-Up!
Oh, the restraunteurs are in an uproar in Chicago. They can't serve diseased goose livers as a delicacy anymore...and are going to sue...sue Dammit! be able to continue to serve a diseased, poison filtering goose organ for public consumption.
First off, I never did and never will understand how anyone can eat liver of any kind. It tastes like shit, no matter what it's cooked, soaked, wrapped, marinated, topped with or coated in. My mother tried all of these, folks. I'm sure your mother did, too. Still tasted like shit. Aahhhhh...but it tastes less like shit when you pay $25 a serving? So, you liver eaters can go and pretend that you have oh-so-much-more sophisticated tastes than I do, but you enjoy eating an organ that filters poisons from the body, tastes like shit and produces bile. Puked lately? Enjoy the taste?
Second off...I'm a meat eater. Geese used for Foi Gras are tortured. They have metal tubes continually shoved down their necks, (sometimes puncturing their esophogases or stomachs)and over fed to the point where they deveolop hepatic lipidosis, whereupon they are killed. If they don't die first. Having lost a couple of cats to the same malady(but from different causes, obviously)I can tell you it's not a pleasant illness. I think people have the right to eat meat....I just don't think they have a right to torture the animal before it's killed. How sick and perverted is that?
I'm all for the banning of Foi Gras is Chicago, and I can only hope that Veal is next.
First off, I never did and never will understand how anyone can eat liver of any kind. It tastes like shit, no matter what it's cooked, soaked, wrapped, marinated, topped with or coated in. My mother tried all of these, folks. I'm sure your mother did, too. Still tasted like shit. Aahhhhh...but it tastes less like shit when you pay $25 a serving? So, you liver eaters can go and pretend that you have oh-so-much-more sophisticated tastes than I do, but you enjoy eating an organ that filters poisons from the body, tastes like shit and produces bile. Puked lately? Enjoy the taste?
Second off...I'm a meat eater. Geese used for Foi Gras are tortured. They have metal tubes continually shoved down their necks, (sometimes puncturing their esophogases or stomachs)and over fed to the point where they deveolop hepatic lipidosis, whereupon they are killed. If they don't die first. Having lost a couple of cats to the same malady(but from different causes, obviously)I can tell you it's not a pleasant illness. I think people have the right to eat meat....I just don't think they have a right to torture the animal before it's killed. How sick and perverted is that?
I'm all for the banning of Foi Gras is Chicago, and I can only hope that Veal is next.